How shall I manage, you seem to ask, to act always in a spirit that leads me to finish all my professional work perfectly? The answer comes not from me, but from St Paul: 'Work courageously, be strong. And let everything you do be done in a spirit of charity.' Do everything for Love's sake and do it freely. Never give way to fear or routine. Serve God Our Father.
Having put them very much to the test, I am very fond of repeating these artless but very expressive verses:
My life consists in loving,
And if with loving I'm familiar,
'Tis because I've sorrowed much;
For there's no finer lover,
Than one who's suffered much.*
Go about your professional duties for Love's sake. Do everything for the sake of Love and (precisely because you are in love, even though you may taste the bitterness of misunderstanding, of injustice, of ingratitude and even of failure in men's eyes) you will see the result in the wonders that your work produces — rich, abundant fruit, the promise of eternity!
Document printed from https://escriva.org/en/amigos-de-dios/68/ (10/11/2024)