
This book contains 7 interviews (from 1966-68) with journalists from Le Figaro, The New York Times, Time, L'Osservatore della Domenica and 3 Spanish publications (Telva, Gaceta Universitaria and Palabra).

The founder of Opus Dei gives detailed answers to questions on the Church and the Council (which had just concluded), Opus Dei, human freedom and rights, the university, women in today's society, etc.

The book concludes with the homily "Passionately Loving the World," given on the campus of the University of Navarre on October 8, 1967, in the presence of 40,000 people from Spain and other countries. Its deep spiritual message will help the reader to grasp the spirit that inspires the founder of Opus Dei's answers to the various journalists.

Conversations with Monsignor Escriva de Balaguer was first published in 1968 in Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese.

It has since come out in French, German, Catalan, Dutch, Polish and Chinese. 350,000 copies have been sold.

This book in another language