Agony in the garden
"Pray that you may not enter into temptation". —And Peter fell asleep. —And the other apostles. —And you, little friend, fell asleep…, and I too was another sleepyheaded Peter.
Jesus, alone and sad, suffers and soaks the earth with His blood.
Kneeling on the hard ground, He perseveres in prayer… He weeps for you… and for me: the weight of the sins of men overwhelms Him.
Pater, si vis, transfer calicem istum a me. —Father, if Thou wilt, remove this chalice from me… Yet not my will, sed tua fiat, but Thine be done (Luke 22:42).
An Angel from Heaven comforts Him. —Jesus is in agony. —He continues prolixius, praying more intensely… —He approaches us, who are asleep: Arise, pray —He says again—, lest you enter into temptation (Luke 22:46).
Judas the traitor: a kiss. —Peter's sword gleams in the night. —Jesus speaks: Are you come, as to a robber, to apprehend Me? (Mark 14:48)
We are cowards: we follow Him from afar, but awake and praying. —Prayer… Prayer…
Document printed from (08/27/2024)